Since the opening of our orphanage in 2009, we have accepted more than 100 children in need of our care. We have also provided medical management for almost 500 handicapped people living in the surrounding villages. We decided to expand our facility and bought a one hectare (2.5 acres) piece of land nearby. Construction started in early 2013 and we will finish this project at the end of 2014 or early 2015.
With this beautiful two-story building, we will be able to care for over 150 children and fifteen expectant mothers. The new facility will serve different needs of the orphanage.
- It will have an auditorium where the children will have group activities. This large room can be transformed into a medical clinic caring for 500 handicapped villagers. It can be partitioned into smaller cubicles to provide some privacy when the patients have gynecological exams.
- As the children grow, the new facility will provide separate sleeping quarters for the boys and girls.
- There are seven rooms for the nuns with two sisters sharing a room. At the old facility, all the sisters had to sleep in one large room. This will provide some privacy and quiet time after a long day.
- There are four rooms for guests who would like to stay overnight at the orphanage.
- Seven classrooms are available to teach the young children who are not old enough to go to public school.
- Two dining rooms are built to accommodate the needs of the children, the sisters, the expectant mothers and the staff.
We are all excited as the day of completion is near, and we hope we can continue to follow our mission of providing the children a warm roof over their heads and to give them a safe, nurturing and loving environment to grow and become productive and responsible members of society.